Franck Poupeau
Franck Poupeau is a research director at CNRS and the director of CREDA (UMR CNRS 7227 / UMR IRD 280). He has represented the Bolivian branch of the Institut français d’études andines from 2006 to 2010 and again from 2019 to 2022. Between 2012 and 2017, he has directed the international joint research unit iGLOBES (Interdisciplinary and Global Environmental Studies, UMI 3157) based at the University of Arizona. His research focuses on inequalities and environmental policies in South America and the United States. He has published numerous articles and books, the most recent of which are The Field of Water Policy. Power and Scarcity in the American West [Routledge, 2019] and Altiplano. Fragments d’une révolution (Bolivie, 1999-2019) [Raison d’agir, 2021]. Since the 2000s, he has been managing the Raisons d’agir publishing house, which, among other works, has published various Pierre Bourdieu’s cours au Collège de France. He has also co-edited Pierre Bourdieu’s unpublished books Microcosmes. Théorie des champs [2022] and Impérialismes. Circulation internationale des idées et luttes pour l’universel [2023]. He recently coordinated a double issue of Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales in 2024-25, titled Écologie et dominations: explorer la condition écologique des classes sociales.