The Professor Andrzej Dembicz Foundation will award the prize-winning doctoral thesis with €1,000.00 (one thousand euros), a medal as a distinction and a corresponding diploma. CEISAL guarantees transport to the award ceremony venue and accommodation during the Congress).
The history of the competition
The competition is organized every 3 years, which corresponds to the cycle of the CEISAL congresses, and are based on the theme of the respective event. Two contests have been organized so far; the 1st prize was awarded during the IX CEISAL Congress in Bucharest, the 2nd at the X Congress in Helsinki. The 3rd competition will be finalized in 2025 with the award ceremony at the Sorbonne Nouvelle University during the XII CEISAL Congress. The previous winners were:
2019 (12 theses were submitted for the competition):
-Prize winner : Dario Arce Asenjo (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle - PARIS III) “L'Uruguay ou le rêve d'un Extrême-Occident: mémoires et histoire du malencontre indien”.
-Thesis recognized with a diploma "El racismo en los discursos historiográficos y literarios en el proceso de formación del Estado nacional peruano", by Luis Escobedo (University of Warsaw).
2022 (17 theses were submitted):
-Prize winner: Agata Bloch (Tadeus Manteuffel Institute of History. Polish Academy of Sciences) “Os grupos subalternos no império colonial português na perspectiva de redes”
-Thesis recognised with diploma "Evolution of Foreign Policy of Mexico in the Period 2000–2018", by Oxana Katysheva Vladimirovna (Saint Petersburg State University, Russia).
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